Thomas Ludwig Federl

Chief Sustainability Officer

Thomas, the Big Bavarian, joins Hyperquake with the enthusiasm and positivity he brings to all aspects of living. Transplanted to America in the 90s from Roth, Germany (near Nürnberg),

Thomas began his journey connecting with diverse businesses. In all cases, Thomas has been passionate about working with senior Management in creating a successful vision for the future. Thomas’s passion became a natural fit with Sustainability because, as Thomas frequently says, Sustainability is so much more than Environmental and Governance factors. Sustainability also includes understanding the Vision and how the world is changing and making plans to sustain the vision over time. Serious stuff, but Thomas is also a guy who leads with humor and fun because “you gotta love and enjoy what you do”.  A Sports junkie, Thomas loves playing golf and watching European soccer. Family man is his top role as Father to four adult children and four grandchildren, with wife Candy. Thomas says, “Let’s always be grateful and kind, help one another and dream big.”

Living the Dream….   Sustaining the Dream


New Work
A relationship that began with making a splash for Prime Day has evolved into improving overall media performance across Paid, Owned & Earned.
New Work
We launched the AVAVA brand with a revolutionary product, MIRIA, set to redefine the aesthetic laser market. Full case study to come.
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Cincinnati Art Museum
As we enter year seven of our partnership with CAM, we refelct on campaigns and brand building collateral we've created together.
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